Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One Peaceful Evening

Hari ni hari bercuti
Bila cuti, automatically mind set bertukar kepada mode malas
Tips untuk rajin, please?

Teringat zaman setahun matrikulasi
Bila flash back
Hati kecil di belakang sana kata "You've changed, a lot"

Masa itu, setahun yang sungguh bermotivasi
Mind set yg sangat kuat
Basically, I could control myself to stick to the routine

Itu kebiasaan apabila seseorang pernah jatuh, rasanya
Jatuh yang hanya Allah je tahu macam mana untuk berdiri
dan senyum kembali

Im impressed with myself in those days
Dont hate me for that, please :)

But that's it.

Hidup mesti balance
Study and Leisure
Dunia dan Akhirat
Friends and Family
Makan, tidur pun.

Im not who I was
Im just trying to be balance

P/s : Setakat ni berjaya control money and diet selepas bertekad hari tu
Ah~ Victory I

Dan ahad ini, akan ada dinner faculty
Di mana, tak pasti pula
To tell the truth, I've spent zero for that night
Entah,not eager to dress up
Pergi nak makan je.heee
Ah, abaikan saya.


Pagi hingga lewat tengahari memang tak berniat pun nak being idle
Tapi sakit datang berkunjung
dan sebab mood yang tak berapa stabil
So I've spent this whole beautiful evening reading
Nicholas Spark's The Choice
until the last page

This book belongs to her. Thank you.

Macam biasa ayatnya, perkataannya, ceritanya indah
Sangat descriptive
Kalau Malaysian punya novelist,
maybe macam style Noor Suraya kotAdd Video
At first, I thought its going to have a sad ending
Just like his previous books
But then..
Try to guess. haha

No bedtime story book anymore

You're such a beautiful man
Haih. Envy.

Dont dare to call him as a gay. He's not.

Picture is taken from here.