Post ini mempunyai gambar yang melampau banyaknya
Hello everybodyyyyy!
Im gonna skip 2 months updates (of course my stories are thru pictures)
And straight to my dreamy, wonderful night (which happened yesterday).
It took me forever selecting those pictures.
To choose only some photos out of 1566 was a heartbreaking thing to do!
So unfair.
Nak buat camne, Flickr dah bagi warning suruh upgrade to Pro account. Menyampah.
First and foremost, I feel indebted to my Gojess.
I love you lah!
Masa dulu dulu beli dia, si tukang jual kata, battery dia tahan up to 400 pics je.
Tapi semalam, dari wedding di siang hari sampai ke habis show, battery dia still penuh. Impressed.
Namun begitu, kecacatan lens yang sangatlah tidak cekap mengfokus objek memang membuat duka lara hati.
Alih alih kena tukar manual and objek berharga di depan mata sudah hilang. Tahniah!
Tapi takpe Gojess, kwenchana, you've done a good job.
Bak kata Eunhyuk, " You're so gorgeous"
Semakin saya sayang pada awak, semakin cepat awak dapat lens baru.Haha.
Maaflah, monolog dalaman saya terkeluar di sini pulak.
Tapi seperti tahun lepas,
Saya kena pilih sama ada
1) Mahu enjoy the show to the fullest
2) Watching them through the lens, I mean camera's lens.
Dan juga seperti tahun lepas,
My camera didn't stop working at all!
Err cuma last year, battery mati after two hours :(
Tapi still okay, sebab this time,
Saya duduk depan sikit maka gambar sangat clear
Oh bukan apa, sebab utama saya ada Gojess adalah semalam.
Mission accomplished after months.
Tahniah lagi sekali.
Oh pasal semalam ye.
A short but beautiful night :)
with the other two members of Super Junior-M
I'm so biased, I know and I love it.
Hae ♥ Hee ♥ Teuk ♥
His passion.
Teukkie ♥
Ini kes sangat mahu cepat nak snap gambar sampai tak terfokus -_-"
Please tengok siapa yang sangat semangat main drum itu. Hahaha.
Hae ♥
Fly high up to the blue sky~
Tersangatlah adorable. Senyum padahal cuak kaki tak jejak jejak kat atas stage.
Heeeeeeechul ♥
Heechul punya fan service kan....grrrrr
This stage is mine - maknae
Like, baby baby baby ooh~
Oh saya mahu selca mereka, juga.
Eeteuk ♥ Donghae ♥
Knock Out.
I missed 2 or three performances,
One of them was a beautiful performance indeed.
With Kangin oppa T______T
Donghae oppa, hotness overload! Danger.Danger.
Haish, tangan tangan sekalian, ingin sekali ku tebas.
Miahne oppa, terover zoom sampai nampak wajah tak flawless oppa tu :D
Saya nak perasan jugak. He's looking at me (my camera).
Please let me perasan sorang sorang :P
Kyeopta ♥
My Heenim. My Rella. My Cherry. My Chullie.
I want Lady Hee Hee!
Kalau awak Petal kan, mesti perasan ada plaster kat pipi Heenim.
Oh tak baik lagi ke luka.
So close, tapi sangat excited sampai tak boleh fokus kan lens. Hahahaha!
Hotness ♥
Huaaaaa ini memang kejelesan melampau.
They bowed, just like six years ago.
I miss the 13 but not this 13, you know what I mean.
Star light stick yang hanya digunakan selama beberapa minit.
They are currently preparing for the 5th Jib.
(Thanks Siwon for the translation)
Can I meet you again next month, oppa? ♥
Resized the pictures to 1292x865.
But the largest view at Flickr is 1024x682 -_-"
Right click for the larger view.
Searching for new image hosting site, but I love Flickr.
Wahhh, next time I'll make it to the 1st row.Uhuh. Next time huh?
Unless you want hands/heads/lights/boards shadows on your pictures grrrrr.
Okay lah, saya mahu study sudah.
Kata study week kan.
All the best!
nk hyuk picture parade~~
aaaaaaaaaaaa! eeteuk opppa!!!!!!!!!!
hyuk parade what?hahaha
kat ateem, he has a killer smileeeee ♥
ya rabbi!!!byknye gambar!!!!!!
dgr cite dslr lepas masuk sbb smpi tepat timing!
clear gila gamba! mcm cam betol2 dpn muke..woh3. donghae agak comlel haha
dira, dialog sebenar:
abg kaunter: nak tgk brg,ade bwk kamera tak?
sy: oh jap ye, sy keluarkn brg2 ni, sy bwk telekung ni. *pura2 busy nak kluarkn brg*
abg tu: kalau xde kamera, x pyh kluarkn la...
sy:oh okay,xde kamera eh dah start ke *buat2 nak cepat masuk hall*
hahahaha.mcm tu lah kesudahannye~
yam,handsome ye..donghae tu *cough* laki sy *cough*
hahahha.ala amek la shindong!
dia lalu lalang depan kitrg,tp ktrg buat bodo je :P
yam, shindong dpn mate ktrg wat bodo jek, yg hok ensem jaoh2 tu gak nk tgk.
klu tau yam minat shindong, bleh la kte snap kn picture die...hhmmm
huaaaah, keje saya tiap2 kali bosan, menatap muka diorg.wth!
Aku ingat mcm gmbr2 biase yg diamik kt internet. Tgk2 last skali ade muke kauu.
Asal ko dok jauh sgt? gi curik2 masuk smpai dpn stage...!
apehal nye aku nak amek gmbar org lain taruk kat blog ni?hahhaha!
aish,dah habis depan dah duduk kot.selang 2 baris je dari stage -_-"
Akakkk!!gile dekat & clear pic!damn jealous oh~~dslr lepas??cayalah!!hahaha..siyesly ur pics sgt3 lawa!!!
sumpah la wae!!!
jeles gile dgn ko lpas bwk msok dslr!!!
beg ko xkne kelebek ke??
beg aku die siap tgk baju aku lg!!!
gmbr aku xclear cmnh!!!
tp lg jeles dgn dorg yg dduk kt row tepi kiri aku!!
benci btol!!!
hhaaaa amek ko!!
byk gile tanda seru!!!
over super duper excited tgk gmbr ko!!!
nak gmbr!!
munirah,ramai je akakt tgk dslr lepas.skill itu penting :P
haha, btw thanks :)
azie,len kali masuk seminit before show tu start, confirm diorg kasik lepas cepat2, plus buat muke innocent sket beb.
ko nk amek gmbar ori ke yg kat sini?
klu kat sini punye, amek la kat flickr tu.
klu yg ori in total 9G,ade brani?haha
external aku 500gb tahu??
aku nk yg ori~~~plizzz
aku yg x larat nak upload azie oiiii.nanti satu hari kte berjumpe la ye.ko tu reunion,silalah datang.x prnh nmpk pun :P
aku xtaw pon reunion2 nh.huhu~nt klu reunion, kne pesan awal2 kt ko bwk gmbr suju.hehehe